Monday, May 2, 2011

The Alarmists - By Don Hoesel

The Alarmists - by Don Hoesel
Published by Bethany House Publishers
The Alarmists was provided to me free of charge by Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my review.
I have to say I was so excited to receive the book The Alarmists. It is a fiction book about the theory of the end of the world coming in conjunction with the end of the Mayan Calendar in December 2012. Now I love a good mystery. I ask questions all the time, and want to know things like if paranormal activity or UFOs are real. I watch all I can about alien space crafts, Area 51, and the Bermuda Triangle. So this seemed right up my alley.
I started reading with enthusiasm, but was not impressed. The story line was not bad. It was, though, in my opinion, too wordy and the plot was too drawn out. I felt there were too many characters to keep up with.
Please don't get me wrong. I love details. This just wasn't my cup of tea.
The entire book takes place within 21 days, but it felt like it took me that long to read it. I finally had to skip to the end just to see how it would end. Even the ending was a bit disappointing to me, because of it's abruptness.
Wish I could have given it a better review. But I have to write it like I read it. Sorry, folks.