Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Scarlet Cord of Hope - By Sheryl Griffin

A Scarlet Thread of Hope - Written by Sheryl Griffin and published by Westview Inc., Nashville, TN

First of all I want to thank Sheryl herself for making herself vulnerable to me every time we meet. She gave me this copy of her book, and even autographed it for me. :)
I agreed to publish a review of it on my blog. What an honor she gave me in the gift of her book.

A Scarlet Thread of Hope is the true story of one very courageous woman - who happens to be a friend of mine - and her journey through guilt, shame, and fear to Hope. To quote Sheryl, "This book is not a book complaining about my childhood or being a victim. This book is not meant to tell every aspect of my life."

This being said, it does go into details of Sheryl's childhood through present day and the strands of thread that, when woven together, formed a scarlet cord that hung heavily around her neck. These details are the ones that she believes were the keys to her eventual diagnosis with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

It is a book that I couldn't put down when I started reading. It is one that I think I'll have to buy copies of for a few friends and relatives.

My favorite parts of the book came at the end of each chapter. These sections were labeled What I Know Now. I loved these parts, because that's where Sheryl shared the truths she received from God through her healing process. The story is a very sad one throughout most of the book. But the "What I Know Now" sections make it so very worth the read.

Sheryl likened her journey to healing as finding and putting together the pieces of a puzzle that in the end would form a picture that finally made sense to her. Read it to find the picture she found. It's moving and WORTH THE READ!!!

Thanks again, Sheryl, for sharing this with me, and with the many others who I hope and pray will read it and begin or continue on their own road to healing. Many blessing on you!

1 comment:

  1. Tammi Thank you very much for taking time to read and review my book. For anyone interested in the book or to get information for speaking engagments please come to my web site

    Thank you again Tammi your words mean a lot to me!
